Hard Cider & Tasting Room

Tasting room at Saratoga Apple

NYS Craft Beer & Hard Cider Tasting Room

Saratoga Apple tasting room - what's on tap?The Saratoga Apple Tasting Room offers 6 New York Beers and 6 New York Hard Ciders on tap. Our selection of New York beverages is always expanding, and we hope to see you stop by to try some for yourself. Our seating space offers a nice place to relax and enjoy yourself. Don’t forget to bring your growler to take some home!

Bottles of Hard Cider

Saratoga Apple is proud to offer our own Hard Cider. Now available in 16oz cans, this slightly sparkling semi-sweet is sure to be a crowd pleaser. Stop by the farm any time to try a taste for yourself.

We also offer a very traditional and old school hard cider which we label as “Scrumpy.” Scrumpy is as natural of a hard cider as we can make, using the natural yeast on the apples, no added sulfites, and no added sweetness of any kind. This results in a super dry hard cider, for those looking to back away from the sugars and sulfites.

Growler of Saratoga Apple Hard Cider